Chemistry with your dog – ‘home away from home’
Chemistry with your dog – ‘home away from home’
It’s all about the Zen.
We strive for that special ingredient in every successful recipe – getting the chemistry and formula right also goes for happy dog stays at MyWaggyTails. Dogs are like humans in many respects. A dog’s brain functions very similarly to a human. Dogs too can have mental conditions like humans, such as anxiety, depression and OCD.
Getting the chemistry right
Human behaviourists advise steering clear of negative people otherwise they’ll bring us down. They advise surrounding ourselves with folk brimming over with of positive energy.
At MyWaggyTails, we adopt the same philosophy with our canine customers. We always pre-vet pets to assess their suitability for staying in our home. The dynamics of sharing your home with a few additional dogs means the relationships between each dog and their human companions are critically important. None of us want it all to kick-off in the middle of Corrie (actually we rarely catch it). And it’s why we love all our regular customers – consistency, no surprises. Everyone is comfortable with their environment, being in the company of a few other dogs, and our daily routines, whether in the house, the garden, playtime or out on walks.
We’ve all encountered fellow humans who we’d rather not be stuck in a lift with – and whilst not not voiced, it’s the same for dogs. And this is why our somewhat detailed booking form carries key questions to help us and you assess whether your pet is going to be happy when left in someone else’s home with a few other dogs (and strange humans).
Harmony is important for us all, for everyone’s well-being. And chemistry is that essential ingredient, whether for 4-legged or 2-legged co-habitants at MyWaggyTails. So, thank you for helping us create the best place for your pets when you can’t be there.
(With apologies to those who have more challenging canine friends.)
Useful links
Reference 1 – Dog emotions and thoughts compared to human emotions and thoughts
Reference 2 – Brain chemistry or chemical imbalances involved in canine aggression